Healing Brain Seminar: April 1990

Healthy Pleasures

The New Science of Mood Medicine

A One-day Seminar at M.I.T. with
James Lynch, Ph.D.
James Pennebaker, Ph.D.
Margaret Caudill, M.D., Ph.D.
Martin Seligman, Ph.D.
David Sobel, M.D.

Saturday, April 28,1990 Kresge Auditorium
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA

Rediscover the Pleasure Principle!

Imagine a medical treatment that lowers blood pressure, decreases heart disease and cancer risk, boosts immune function, and blocks pain—a treatment that’s safe, inexpensive, readily available, and whose main side effect is that it makes you feel good.

It’s not a miracle drug. These and other benefits appear to come from pleasure itself. And this prescription is filled in the internal pharmacy of the brain.

Join a distinguished faculty of researchers and clinicians for an exciting (and pleasurable) day exploring the new science of mood medicine.

What you’ll learn from this seminar:

• Why pleasure and positive mood are critical to psychological and physical health
• How psychological and emotional states may affect immune function
• How to mobilize positive beliefs, expectations, and emotions
• How to blend techniques from cognitive therapy, relaxation training, and successful behavior modification practices into an effective, enjoyable health promotion program

The Pleasure of Company
James Lynch, Ph.D.
We humans need each other. The healing power of families and friends are demonstrated to us in our everyday lives. Touch, communication and psychological support are important to our good health. Learn how the pleasure of company can enhance your sense of self and well-being.

James Lynch, Ph.D., is Director of Life Care Health Centers, Towson, Maryland. He is a psychologist and author of The Language of the Heart and The Broken Heart.

Untold Stories
James Pennebaker, Ph.D.
Confession is not only good for the soul—it’s good for the body! Confiding in diaries or to a close friend may not only make us feel good, but may improve immune functioning and health maintenance.

James Pennebaker, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology at Southern Methodist University, has written numerous scientific papers, including an upcoming book on confession and health (Morrow).

Heartfelt Emotions
Margaret Caudill, M.D., Ph.D.
Emotions and the heart are not just subjects for poets. Behaviors associated with high hostility and anger may have harmful effects on the heart. The healthiest hearts seem to be in those individuals who exhibit such traits as kindness, trust, assertiveness and forgiveness. Learn what the latest studies have shown about Type A behavior, risks of heart disease and how behavior modification and medicine can provide ways of encouraging heartfelt health.

Margaret Caudill, M.D., Ph.D., is an instructor in medicine at Harvard Medical School, Director of Specialty Programs in the Section on Behavioral Medicine, Deaconess Hospital, Boston.

Optimism and the Immune System
Martin Seligman, Ph.D.
Our attitudes do affect the way we feel and may help or hinder how our bodies cope with illness. How we experience major traumas and even the minor stresses of daily living can affect certain immune processes. Learn how the mind and the immune system talk to one another, and what this communication means to your health.

Martin Seligman, Ph.D., is professor of Psychology and Director of Clinical Training at the University of Pennsylvania. He is author of many significant scientific papers and the book Learned Optimism, to be published in the summer of 1990 (Knopf Press).

The Virtues of Sensuality
David Sobel, M.D.
Many people today are not getting their minimum daily requirements of sensual pleasure. Our senses not only alert us to danger, they can pleasurably guide us to better health. Learn about the health benefits of touch, looking at nature, sweet scents, saunas, siestas, tasty foods, good music and good sex.

David S. Sobel, M.D., is Director of Patient Education and Health Promotion for Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program in Northern California. He is co-author of several books including The Healing Brain and Healthy Pleasures.