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About ISHK
The Institute for the Study of Human Knowledge (ISHK) was incorporated in 1969 as a 501c(3) charitable educational organization dedicated to cross-cultural understanding and to bringing important research on human nature to the general public.
Today humanity faces unprecedented challenges. How can we apply advances in science and technology to ensure health and safety for all the world’s people? Can we learn to tolerate and appreciate cultural diversity in an ever-shrinking global community? Can we learn to manage the planet’s dwindling vital resources and basic life-support systems before it’s too late?
Many worthy organizations address these issues in the political, cultural, and humanitarian spheres, but ISHK focuses on the root cause — our very nature as human beings.
What do we know about the way our brains work, about the way we receive and process information from our environment, about how our mental and nervous systems evolved, which create these crises in the first place? What other capacities might be inherent in our nature to help us rise above our narrow-minded reactions, to choose the most appropriate mindset for a given situation? How can we develop these new capacities in ourselves and in our children?
ISHK takes a multi-disciplinary approach to these important questions, highlighting contributions from contemporary psychology, education, anthropology, medicine, evolutionary biology, neuroscience, and ecology — as well as from traditional systems of knowledge and learning with ancient roots.
Over a 50-year history, in collaboration with leading thinkers and scholars in their fields, ISHK publishing and education programs have connected with thousands of professionals and the public at large, contributing to important shifts in public attitudes and policies.
ISHK Programs
The Human Journey Website
Explore the journey of the human mind, how it developed, the world it made, and how understanding that history can help us meet the challenges we face today.
Malor Books
The Malor imprint publishes and re-publishes important works in the human sciences selected for their importance to the culture as a whole.
Continuing Education for Psychologists
Psychologists earn APA-approved continuing education credit for reading important new and classic works in their field. More than 400 courses are available in fields such as Clinical Psychology, Ethics, Cognitive Psychology, Gender Studies, Psychology of Consciousness, and many others.
Hoopoe Books
ISHK’s Hoopoe imprint offers award-winning books that both entertain and help children and young adults develop higher-level thinking skills.
Share Literacy
More than 750,000 disadvantaged children in the U.S. and other countries have been provided Hoopoe books of their own through ISHK’s Share Literacy program.
Books for Afghanistan
Books for Pakistan
Books for Refugees
Economic, political and security challenges have severely affected education services for children in war torn countries and the world’s refugee camps, including children stranded at the US-Mexico border. Through these programs, ISHK provides books for children and training resources for teachers in these impacted regions.
“Instead of sending
guns, send books.”
Malala Yousafzai