Malor Books
Preserving Definitive Works of Cultural Importance
ISHK’s Malor imprint publishes or re-publishes important works in the human sciences, in fields such as psychology, mind-body health, and education. Titles are selected for the importance of their content to the culture as a whole and targeted to a wide audience—professionals, students, and educated lay readers. Titles include such timeless works as William Sargant’s Battle for the Mind, the classic study of conversion and brainwashing, with extraordinary relevance for our current time. Other titles include timeless classics by leading thinkers such as Gordon Claridge, Paul Ekman, Phil Zimbardo and others.
See all titles.
Hoopoe Books
Thinking Children Become Thinking Adults
ISHK’s Hoopoe Books imprint publishes books that not only entertain but help children and young adults understand themselves and their world.
Traditional Teaching-Stories by Idries Shah
This award-winning series of 11 beautifully illustrated Teaching-Stories, collected and adapted for children by Idries Shah, is available in hardback, paperback and eBook editions. With titles appropriate for children of all ages, the books have been translated into seven languages, including seven bilingual editions. They have been commended by educators and psychologists for their unique ability to foster social-emotional development, thinking skills and perception. See all titles.
More Tales from Around the World
Hoopoe continues to gather traditional and modern tales from around the world. Two such selections are retold from Afghan sources by the Afghan teacher and storyteller Palwasha Bazger Salam. The timeless tales that leaven Rita Wirkala’s gripping adventure novel are drawn from a wide variety of traditions – from Western Europe, to North Africa and the Middle East, to Central Asia. Another selection, Dende Maro, The Goden Prince, told and Illustrated by Sally Mallam, is inspired by ancient African carvings and paintings and features illustrations created from the rock art of Africa. See all titles.
All About Me Series for Juniors and Young Adults
Hoopoe’s All About Me series of books for adolescents is based on the latest research into the developing brain. The series is designed to help adolescents navigate their “second growth spurt” – what’s going on with what they see, think and fwwweel; how their new abilities work; how they change grow or get stuck; and how reliable they are as they try to make sense of themselves, their friends and relatives, and the world around them. See all titles.
New from Malor Books
God 4.0: On the Nature of Higher Consciousness and the Experience Called “God”
God 4.0 is the culmination of Robert Ornstein’s trio of landmark works calling for a new vision of “conscious evolution.” This much anticipated release will be accompanied by a revised fourth edition of his original classic, The Psychology of Consciousness, and a reprinting of the second in the trilogy, The Evolution of Consciousness.
The Evolution of Consciousness: The Origins of the Way We Think
“This series of children’s books has captivated the hearts and minds of people from all walks of life. The books are tales from a rich tradition of story telling from Central Asia and the Middle East. Stories told and retold to children, by campfire and candlelight, for more than a thousand years. Through repeated readings, these stories provoke fresh insight and more flexible thought in children. Beautifully illustrated.”
NEA Today—Magazine of the National Education Association